Police seek assistance to find missing
The Tubatse SAPS are urging members of the community to assist in locating a 32 year-old man, Louis Mkhondo who went missing last year December 30.
The victim is a resident of Manoke village and he was reportedly last seen in Burgersfort town and has since disappeared.
“Efforts to locate the victim at friends, relatives and surrounding areas were not successful. Unfortunately, there is no clear description of the type of clothes he was wearing at the time of his disappearance,” said Limpopo SAPS spokesman Brig Motlafelo Mojapelo.
Anyone with information that can assist with investigations should urgently contact the investigating officer, Lt Col TJ Mosoana on 071 210 6628 or crime stop number 0860010111 or nearest police or My SAPSApp. Police investigations are continuing.