Fetakgomo United crowned Sekhukhune champions
Fetakgomo United FC were crowned Sekhukhune SAB League champions on Sunday by winning the preliminaries play offs.
The team topped a four team mini league. It consisted of four teams that won the four streams in the Sekhukhune SAB leagues.
The other participants were Rocks FC, Phasha City Rocks and Manyaka Movers. The games were played at the newly opened Mapodile Stadium in Longtill Steelpoort.
To win the tourney, Fetakgomo won all their three matches. In the first match, they defeated Phasha City Rocks 2-1; in the second match they beat Manyaka Movers 3-1. The team then walloped Rocks FC 4-1 in their final match.
By winning the tournament, Fetakgomo United qualifies to represent Sekhukhune region in the inter provincial regional playoffs to the ABC Motsepe league. The games are scheduled to be played in the Capricorn region between July 2 and 3.