Masanteng community airs service delivery concerns
The Mayor of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality (MLM), Cllr Masekwele Merah Mahlase, joined by MLM Head of Corporate Services Cllr Namudi Moses Matjomane, Head of Budget and Treasury Cllr Malebo Phala and MLM Ward 30 Councillor Jerry Monakedi, met with the Masanteng community on Thursday 6 February 2025 to listen and understand their service delivery concerns.
During the engagement, the community has particularly raised concerns over the poor state of the D4353 Road that links Masanteng and Mogaladi, which is estimated to be 9km long.
According to the municipality, the road from Masanteng to Mogaladi is one of ten D-roads and bridges that the municipality submitted to the Department of Public Works, Roads and infrastructure for attention.
The municipality says it had submitted documents stating that the roads be considered for devolution into the municipal assets register, so that they could lawfully be planned for prioritisation through the municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget processes.
Already, the municipality said it has completed detailed designs for over 10 D-roads across the jurisdiction, wherein, the Office of the Mayor will continue engaging the relevant department on the list of D-roads submitted.
In response to the issue raised by the Masanteng community, Mayor Mahlase informed that, like other D-roads, the municipality will consider initiating a process for the development of detailed designs for the road and would only be able to consider it for implementation once the department gives authorization.
Mahlase said the municipality is urging communities to be patient and seek peaceful and productive engagement in order for the leadership to facilitate solution funding measures with the provincial department on all D-roads that require interim or permanent intervention.