Residents demand an access bridge to access clinic and schools

With the summer season upon us, Mafarafara residents outside Burgersfort in the Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality (FTLM) are pleading with the municipality to erect an access bridge in the village. The residents are fearing that overflowing rivers will put their lives at risk.
During a recent visit by the Sekhukhune Times to the area, we discovered that the villagers still use the sewaiwai to cross the Tubatse River (Steelpoort River). The people tie a rope to the trees at each end of the river, then get into the steel cart and cross by sliding to the other end.
This unique form of transport is used by the elderly to visit the Taung Clinic and also by some pupils who attend schools in villages like Taung and Makwataseng.
The cart carries a maximum of four adults to cross the 150m-wide river. In addition, the villagers, many of whom are unemployed, have to pay between R5 – R1O per trip to cross the water.
The residents said the sewaiwai has helped sick people to cross the river.
“We have no clinic at Mafarafara and the closest healthcare facility is Taung Clinic, but we have to risk our lives by crossing the flooded river to get there. Our alternative clinic is the one at Kgautšwana, but it is a bit far from our village,” said a resident.
The Tubatse River separates Mafarafara, and most local villages.
In 2023, the residents said they requested the FTLM ‘s mayor, Eddie Maila, to ensure an access bridge is erected at the village with no luck.
“Scores of people are risking their lives using the sewaiwai, but they have no choice because the government is not providing a solution. We urge Maila and his team to consider our challenges and build a bridge for the Mafarafara people,” said another resident.

They alleged their village is always ignored in terms of services. “There is no tar road, we have no water and services at our village are at a snail’s pace.”

This publication forwarded queries to the FTLM’s communications manager, Mahlako Komane, to find out if there are plans to erect an access bridge at Mafarafara. The response will be published once received.

The sewaiwai is not new to the people of Fetakgomo Tubatse. This makeshift cart was previously used by some residents of Mankele to cross the Olifants River (Lepelle) before a bridge was constructed by the Limpopo government in 2012.

Thapelo Motseo

COMPANY BACKGROUND Sekhukhune Times was founded in 2015 for the purpose of providing Sekhukhune community and businesses with quality news. The business is operated within the Sekhukhune district municipality which consist of four municipality namely Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality and Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality . Sekhukhune Times help the readers to become aware of their surroundings from social life, to the news happening in the community and also not forgetting what’s happening on the outside world’ it brings you all the news in a convenient and simple language that community can understand and It is released every Thursday and distributed through various mine, shops, , pubiic institutions and in schools. Complimentary copies are distributed to advertisers. The publication is also available online Sekhukhune Times bring you all the news you need to know about the community, events coming up, speeches and also some tips on surviving student life as well as anything which you feel could be beneficial to students voicing out their opinions. MISSION . To became a cross border publication that will link young people from all corners of the world. . To became a source of information to the youth and community in general. .To became a tool for businesses big and small to market their products. .To serve as a communication tool for businesses, government, school and communities in general. .To offer jobs to young people and thus participate in eradicating unemployment, which is a major contributor to increase in crime, AIDS and poverty in our communities. .Provide auxiliary services such as printing, layout and design and photography for other institutions. . Sekhukhune Times is committed to providing the client with a quality product at competitive price within schedule. . At all time we will address and service the customers, requirements, comply with specifications, standards and technical requirements, act ethically and with dignity