Limpopo Provincial Government rolls-out e-recruitment system
The Limpopo Provincial Government has recently launched a newly developed Electronic Recruitment System (e-Recruitment), which is a significant advancement designed to streamline and enhance recruitment processes.
Limpopo Provincial government Spokesperson, Ndavhe Ramaukela, said this innovative platform reflects government’s commitment to leveraging technology by improving efficiency, transparency and accessibility in recruitment processes.
“The introduction of the e-Recruitment System aligns with the Directive on Human Resource Management and Development for the Public Service Professionalization Volume One, as issued by the Minister of Public Service and Administration (MPSA) for implementation starting from 01 April 2024,” explained Ramaukela.
He said the system was introduced to address the financial and logistical challenges faced by many applicants in the current application process.
“The e-Recruitment system aims to streamline the application process, allowing job seekers to apply from the comfort of their homes. This initiative is expected to attract professionals to critical vacant positions and facilitate the effective and efficient selection process of qualified candidates. The shift from a traditional paper-based application process to a web-based platform will provide applicants with greater accessibility and convenience,” Maukela said.
He added that the system will first be piloted within the Office of the Premier and later expanded to other departments across the province post-official launch.
“While the e-Recruitment System will modernize the application process, it will not replace the traditional Z83 form. Limpopo is a rural province with a big technological divide, therefore provision will be made for physical applications,” informed Ramaukela.
He indicated that the system is designed to complement existing methods and provide an alternative for those with access to the internet and smartphones.
“Physical application options will still be available for those without online access; however, it is advisable to utilize the system to limit queues and further financial loss. All applicants will receive confirmation of submission for each application submitted online,” said Maukela.