Computer labs are completed at Mashite Academy
“From the beginning it was not an easy road, now I see direction for Mashite Academy. My wish is to register at least 500 learners in January 2022,” Quoted director and the founder of the academy, Mohlomphegi Serogole.
He made this remarks during the official opening of two completed computer libraries on Saturday, September 4th.
Addressing the attendance, Bokang Makgai, academy administrator, said the academy will introduce primary level education in 2021 and add all remaining subjects in secondary level since the academy offer only few subjects now.
Bokang said this will create sustainable jobs for young people in the community since there will be more subjects.
He added that the two new computer laps will at least carry 85 computers and 85 learners at a time.
He said they would be introducing computer skills programmes for everyone in the community.
“Not forgetting learners at primary level as we want to teach them computer skills from early stage so that they can master their computer skills at a later stage. In this way we will be preparing them for vision 2030,” said the director.
“My wish is to introduce a feeding scheme were registered learners can have something to eat (food) so that we can keep them for long time at the Academy,” he said.
According to the executive, this will make learners focus well on their studies because they will be having more time to do their school work here at academy.
“The computer laps will be operating Monday to Thursday plus free unlimited Wi-Fi. This computer laps will also help school learner do research, opening of emails and watching learning programs. Since our main Aim is to create jobs around our community,” executive explained.
As part of empowering other entrepreneur, the director said he called the young talented man by Name “P Crash Wa Pencil” who is very good in drawing to come and show his talent by drawing the emblem of the academy to be displayed in the front of the building.
“This young man is talented. And as Mashite Academy we want people to see his skills so he can go far or over the world. It is our work as Mashite Academy to identify people with skills like him so that we can help them to achieve their dreams,” said Montjane.
He reiterated that there are plans to build a bigger and more equipped computer lap and library for our community in the future, and to create more opportunities for the youth in the community.